.....If astrology is relevant to an inanimate event, then it can claim to offer insights... right? It's certain none of the scientists actually chose the timing of the event in accordance with astrology principles. The idea that scientists would even look at newspaper horoscopes is almost laughable.
How shocking could a horoscope be for a scientific experiment?
Science, Astrology and the Law of Attraction...
Science is certainly needed and it has brought many good results in the lives of people, many of whom have been saved thanks to modern imaging machines which come straight from physics and atoms research.Looking at the photos of the conference room when all the CERN staff and media applauded, you could be led to believe that they practised the Law of Attraction on the protons by wishing them to collide. Yet, this CERN technological success looks as if it will validate some of the tenets of astrology, as you'll see below. Don't get too uneasy from the fear of being beamed up to some fixed star or nebulae, here is a peek at what the horoscope of the first proton collision looked like, just for fun! Mixing astrology and science is heady stuff but quite irresistible!
Atom-Smashers Charts
To draw the charts, I took the timeline from the CERN Twitter account, and the latitude and longitude extremely precisely. The other charts I have used for comparison are drawn with Wikipedia data. I have kept the orbs very small, to 1°, otherwise the charts look cluttered. And I've added more colors so everything is more "legible" and attractive. The charts are best viewed in full screen mode (F11).Uranus - the Modernity Planet for science and mad scientists
Uranus rules sudden experiments, electricity and electronics, modern times and visionary methods, (mad) scientists and inventors, engineers, discoveries, astronomy and astrology.It is firmly glued to the MC. It is strong, angular, in reception to Neptune its ruler and secondarily ruled by a strong Jupiter. It's in the sign of Pisces, showing a mystical sense, dreaming and possibly drowning in scientific illusions or the unquenchable thirst in the pursuit of a technological Graal. It may be relevant to advances in the medical field for the world at large.
In the tenth house, it may show sudden demise, brutal changes in direction and unexpected events. It may impart some confusion with the motivation and ultimate goals of the experiment. As an aside, it may concern aircraft, aerospace, ships or submarines, nuclear fuels, laser beams. The planet is unfortunately applying to a square to Pluto, soon to happen between Aries and Capricon. Aries' meaning of new starts in this context is not necessarily for the better since a square of the heavies is involved.
Saturn – Order and the Chronos planet
It is strong, exalted and angular in the IVth in Libra. It rules regulations, discipline, stability and a sense of duty, governments, mainstream research and traditional scientists. It's a co-ruler of Neptune in Aquarius, lending some direction to dispersed thinking. It applies to the square of Pluto in the sixth in Capricorn, which it rules. Hopefully, Saturn will beat Pluto at the goal post, because that square is really not very good and will be complete during the next few months while the experiments continue. After all, a collision of particles is still a collision, not a tender and loving embrace.Pluto – the Transformer through Sex, War or Death
A ruler of destruction, the underground, pollution and sewage, hidden regeneration after annihilation. Pluto signs the geography of the location, a circular tunnel underneath earth, being reigned in by orderly (Saturn) scientists (Uranus). Pluto, which is the epitome of nuclear power, sits in Capricorn in the VIth, and though it is weak in this position, it still has enough strength to put chaos into an orderly society. It may well do so towards 2012 to 2015 when it will be in a square to Uranus in Aries. It is subservient to Saturn though, so despite any damage it might do, Saturn would put some order to this by trying to break and control Pluto.Neptune – planet of Dreamers , Seers and Illusions
It rules mystical ideas and watery projects, extracts the finer essence behind things. It is in Aquarius in the secretive VIIIth of death and regeneration of humanity (Aquarius). Money from the many governments with research capabilities being spent on a utopist project? Or, if one pushes the VIIIth symbolism in Aquarius a little far, death of scientific experiments and, hopefully, not death of people. Neptune is conjunct Chiron, giving on the whole a relatively peaceful attitude, and plenty of money to spare for this project (whether wisely or not?). Both Neptune and Chiron are semi-sextile (exactly) to Uranus at the MidHeaven and sextile Venus in Aries, which confirms the financial power of this venture.Ascendant rises in Cancer, a sign which speaks about roots, where we seek refuge
The scientists are certainly trying to find the roots of our existence. So the position is appropriate. The Moon is posited in the IVth in Libra, just after a full Moon and after a Saturn conjunction. It has no aspect of note - a witness to a fleeting joy but not to tangible results. In the first house sits Mars in Leo, just direct after several months of retrogradation and growing strong. It's applying to a Pluto quincunx and past a sextile to Saturn.Jupiter – the Great Benefic, the Intellectual Expanse
It rules wealth and status as well as intellectual pursuits. One would have expected to find it in a very obvious position considering the goals, but it's almost hidden from view by the shadows from the Xth and VIIIth, it's in the IXth in Pisces. It might hide a little, but on second glance, it is extremely strong, because it's exalted both by sign and by house. There's a lot of money spent for the experiment, and the avowed goal is a peaceful one. Pisces Jupiter is peaceful, financially stable, conformist and reaching higher spheres. Sun, Mercury and Venus are all in Aries in the Xth, signing this success.God particle or Hell pit?
The quantum physics experiment has a characteristic signature with the planets well adequate to describe it the way it has been written up by the press.All is not good in the charts, apart from the financials. The rest is very combative, struggles abound in this chart. In fact, it looks almost like the chart of a war victory before many more battles. Considering electrons and electricity are intimately linked to nuclear power - after all the Center doing this research has "nuclear" in its name – a little research into the other layers in the charts brought up to light that some of the hidden motivation behind this project is not just tender loving care for humanity.
Surely this experiment could have many applications in warfare. This is confirmed in the chart with the above mentioned positions, but a definite answer to this is seen with the comparison with two other, well-known charts, that of
- the first atomic bomb test, the Trinity Test on 16 July 1945, 11h39m45s UT, 33°40'38"N 106°28'31W
- the first atomic bomb on Hiroshima, on 6 August 1945, 8h15m57s (Japan War Time, +9h), 34°23'07"N 132°27'19"E
Big Bang Astrology
Wow, look at all the charts together! If this comparison does not show the warring intents of some party, I don't know what does. So it does look like that this experiment is not only a path to the discovery of the start of the Universe.Astrological charts for: CERN and TRINITY on the left, CERN and HIROSHIMA on the right
- CERN Uranus (angular conjunct X /Pisces) conjunct TRINITY MC Pisces
- CERN Moon (angular, IVth, Libra) conjunct TRINITY Moon (angular, IVth, Libra)
- CERN Moon-Saturn relation by sign (Libra, past conjunction) and Moon-Saturn square (Libra-Cancer) in TRINITY
- Same rising signs for both (Cancer, 21° and 15°)
- Same MC, conjunct, for both (Pisces, 28° and 30°)
- CERN Saturn (angular, IVth, Libra) and Saturn (angular, Ist, Cancer), TRINITY Nodes in an axis exchange between Cancer and Capricorn, both near ASC
- CERN Neptune-Chiron conjunction, TRINITY Neptune-Chiron wide conjunction
- CERN Sun very widely opposed TRINITY Saturn, and TRINITY Sun very widely conjunct CERN Saturn
- Both Neptunes in Air signs, both Mercuries in fire signs.
- CERN Uranus conjunct MC, HIROSHIMA Uranus conjunct MC
- CERN Moon peregrine same sign as exalted Saturn, HIROSHIMA dignified Moon conjunct Saturn in detriment
- CERN Jupiter conjunct DSC HIROSHIMA, Jupiter HIROSHIMA conjunct IC CERN
- As above, both Neptunes in Air signs,
- As above, both Nodes in axis exchange between Cancer and Capricorn, both near ASC
- CERN Saturn and Moon both angular in IVth, HIROSHIMA Saturn and Moon both angular in Ist
- As above, CERN Neptune-Chiron conjunction, HIROSHIMA Neptune-Chiron wide conjunction
- CERN Jupiter conjunct DSC HIROSHIMA, Jupiter HIROSHIMA conjunct CERN IC
- HIROSHIMA Neptune-Chiron conjunct IC of CERN
TRINITY and HIROSHIMA astrological charts on their own
Black hole discoveries loom ahead...
If climate change does not steam up our Earth
If military mad men do not explode it first!
The press has reported that the experiments will continue, the experts themselves state they do not know what they might find, what may be the consequences of these experiments. They are going to increase the speed of the beams to have more particles collide. Before looking at the charts, my view of CERN was that carried by the mainstream media: a peaceful search for the roots of Earth's existence.I am not so convinced now. Or, at least, even if the scientists do find something of worth explaining our tenancy on the blue marble, there are ulterior motives.
Not to worry too much though, 'coz if they explode our planet with a black hole, we won't even feel it! Or we might get interesting times after finding ourselves beamed up to some exoplanet having to climb up to eat leaves or berries to survive!
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