FOR ASTROLOGERS - ...! Brilliant astrology articles by Anatoly Buralkov, full of technical details. Google these words: "astrokras" and "narod" (can't post the link here for some reason. Use Google Translate to read the articles... Well researched histories and astrological context. These articles are brilliant, I tell you! This is NOT advertising, I don't get anything from this link.
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Astrology North Korea Satellite - Pacific Splash

DEVELOPING STORY... as I am writing the astrology of the Korea satellite launch... it appears that the Korean satellite may have fallen out of orbit and down in the Pacific ocean.

(There's also another UPDATE 14 April 2009 at 22h40 CED here.)

Associated Press source for Pacific Splash

United States Military source on the Korea launch

Japan cannot hear the Korean songs allegedly coming from the satellite, but the Korean now say it may take a day for the satellite to start broadcasting. Now, I'm not an expert in reading Korean translations, so you decide for yourself... [Note: link no longer available]

This is what the US say:

Stage one of the missile fell into the Sea of Japan. The remaining stages along with the payload itself landed in the Pacific Ocean.

No object entered orbit and no debris fell on Japan.
It's true that I did wonder how long it would stay in the air because of many bad aspects, but I didn't too much dare write it in case I was wrong. So one should never underestimate a Mars-Saturn opposition in a chart.


How come that I knew of the satellite launch within a half-hour, launch which was confirmed by all nations having the capability to do so, and yet it takes the US five (5) hours or so to say the rocket splashed into the ocean? Surely, being as modern as it is, the US could have confirmed the fallen angel much earlier? So why didn't they do it?

Now, who is telling the truth?

More as I read the news... Come back soon


It's half a day since the launch and I can't find out whether this satellite/missile or whatever it was is up in the sky or down in the ocean. I found a BBC article, dated today Apr 5, 2009, at 14h09 GMT, which say that the Russians confirm that it's up there and has been given an identity number. In the same article, I quote, ''US analyst Colonel Bill Taylor: "Gross failure of US intelligence". I wish they'd make up their minds.

All Western States possess the capacity to see a small lump of sugar in a sand desert with the satellite motorways over our heads... Surely, one or more nations can investigate and give an objective answer? Otherwise, there are quantities of astronomers worldwide who can look upin the night skies, since the DPRK has given the coordinates of the satellite, and tell us what is what. Perhaps one of my readers has a big enough satellite dish to point up and listen whether there is any Korean military singing from our space neighbourhood?

Whatever is the situation, I'm off for now. Come back soon, I'm sure we'll know in a few days.


It does look like it must have splashed... Mars in Pisces is swimming...

I've been looking throughout today for media saying it hadn't, even using the Google Translate feature in Korean, Chinese, Russian and Japanese, but I cannot find any article saying the music was heard... And there's an eerie silence from NK state media, at least until this afternoon (Europe time).

So, I'll be doing an analysis of the charts again tonight. I've obviously under-estimated some malefic aspects and, probably, my knowledge of some types of politics may have been too limited for an accurate assessment. I'll try to find out some more about the splashes (well, there must have been at least two in different locations, Sea of West of Japan, and the Pacific). I'll write it up and let you all know.


UPDATE - Apr. 6, 2009, 23h40 CED.

I can't find any confirmation that the  Korean satellite is up in the air and singing. However, some state media are still cautious about whether it's flying or swimming. The general consensus seems to be that it's probably raking sand at the bottom of the ocean. There are some excellent remarks in the press which lean towards qualifying this launch as semi-successful, inasmuch it demonstrated North Korea's ability to direct a rocket-missile-satellite-whatever some 3,000 km away. That if the aim was to disguise a missile as a satellite, then the mission was successful.

At any rate, I was in much puzzle over the whole thing and started to look at North Korea's astrology chart, as well as that of its leader, Kim Sung Il. Very startling indeed. Haven't had time yet to look up the astrology of the splashes and it's getting late, so the next instalment will be tomorrow.

Meanwhile, have a look at the comparison charts below. I think there's no doubt now that this launch has extreme importance for this country and its leader. Of course, I know some of the atmosphere between this country and the rest of the world would undoubtedly produce strong astrology charts, but these seem to underline a rather great event. Perhaps not all that is needed to know to make a good judgment can be found in the press.


UPDATE - Apr. 14, 2009, 22h30 CED.

So it must have splashed then. Not a day passes without its surprises, see my next post on the CONSEQUENCES of the Korean Rocket Launch, here. And what I write there should come as no surprise to those readers of the present article and the previous one.


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