Indonesia India 2010 Earthquake - UPDATED
A very strong earthquake (magnitude 7.7 according to authorities, revised to 7.5 by USGS) has occurred near the Nicobar Islands in the Indian Ocean, between Indonesia and India, and to the West of Aceh, in Sumatra. This is not far from the epicenter of the Great Tsunami of 2004. A tsunami warning was first issued for India, Indonesia, Thailand, Sri Lanka, Malaysia and Myanmar, but was then cancelled. At the time of writing, it is not yet known what are the consequences of this undersea earthquake. So far, there have been no report of damage or injury. The earthquake happened at 21 km depth, and UT time is reported as 19h26m48.6s at location (revised) 7°44'52"N-91°56'16"E.
- In Indonesian: Gempa Bumi List by the Indonesian Government
- In English:
The horoscopes with astrological aspects for this event are below. Orbs have been kept at 2°.
Geocentric astrology chart
Population exposure nearby looks small. The following countries were at risk but the tsunami warning has been cancelled: India, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Thailand and Malaysia.
The chart shows a new Moon occurring in the thrid house. The quake happened 1h30 after Sun conjuncted the IC. The Nodes axis is across the MC-IC axis, with Fortuna conjunct the ASC. The geocentric aspects are relatively good, thankfully.
However, one should pay attention to this area of the world, as this earthquake happened very near an applying Saturn-Chiron quincunx which will become exact on 21 July 2010. When the Great Andaman Tsunami devastated the Indian Ocean in 2004, the astrological aspect between this pair of planets was an opposition and that was exact within days. Since no aspect by Saturn is ever a good one, the upcoming inconjunct should be a warning and should send scientists keeping a close watch in the few days before and after 21 July 2010. Also, there will be a New Moon and Solar Eclipse on 11 July 2010 and a Full Moon on 26 July 2010. Although the eclipse path does not cross the Indian Ocean, eclipses are powerful moments for events as they can trigger very strong Earth tides (Wikipedia article here). See here for maps of the July 2010 eclipse. Since it is known that powerful earthquakes happen not far from these Moon phases, and that there is a continuing aspects between heavy planets this year, being aware may mitigate injury and damage should an earthquake occur near this date.
Heliocentric astrology chart
According to the Wikipedia article which is just being edited at the time I write this article, the earthquake was strongly felt in Banda Aceh, Indonesia and in all eastern coast of India, including Kolkata, Chennai. It was also felt in Sri Lanka and Bangladesh.
The epicenter of the quake was 107 miles west of Misha on the Nicobar Islands at a depth of 20.5 miles.
From January to May 2010 there have been many recorded earthquakes than usual. Some experts say more than 2500 times and with a magnitude of 5 to 7.6 on the Richter scale, spread over an active fault zone along the western part of Sumatra, south of Java, Sulawesi Straits and Eastern Indonesia. There is little doubt that scientists who have convened meetings after meetings are expecting more powerful earthquakes in the future, with the city of Padang at much risk.
Astrological Charts for the Great Indonesia Tsunami of 2004.
.For easier reference, here are below the astrology charts for the 9.1 magnitude Great Tsunami of 2004 (the Sumatra-Andaman earthquake) which killed about 250'000 people:
Geocentric astrology chart
According to Wikipedia, the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake was an undersea megathrust earthquake that occurred at 00:58:53 UTC on December 26, 2004, with an epicentre off the west coast of Sumatra, Indonesia.Heliocentric astrology chart
The quake itself is known by the scientific community as the Sumatra-Andaman earthquake. The resulting tsunami is given various names, including the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami, Asian Tsunami, Indonesian Tsunami, Boxing Day Tsunami, and, simply, The Tsunami.
The earthquake was caused by subduction and triggered a series of devastating tsunamis along the coasts of most landmasses bordering the Indian Ocean, killing nearly 230,000 people in fourteen countries, and inundating coastal communities with waves up to 30 meters (100 feet) high. It was one of the deadliest natural disasters in recorded history. Indonesia was the hardest hit, followed by Sri Lanka, India, and Thailand.
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