Remember Sarah Oberson, the Swiss little girl who vanished 25 years ago.
Please have a kind thought for Sarah Oberson, the Swiss little girl, aged 6, who vanished 25 years ago on 28 September 1985. As I was sifting through my old files tonight, I found her horoscope with my astrology notes. Her disappearance shocked me so much then. I still keep an emotional memory of this little girl. In those days there were no computers, all astrology calculations were done by hand, with logarithms and second differences. It was a lot of work. And I write this article tonight with my old notes in hand, in respect for this little girl.
Here is the astrological data:
Sarah was born in Sion (Valais, Switzerland, 46°14′N, 7°22′E), on 13 September 1979 at 00h27m CET. She disappeared on 28 September 1985 at 17h30m CED in her family village at Saxon (Valais, Switzerland, 46°9′N, 7°10′E. She left home at that time, with her bicycle, to go to her grandmother's house, 50 meters away.
At 18h30m CED, her bike was found by the school gym stairs. Despite the police and army having combed the area for miles around, the river and canal were searched, but she was never found. There were two anonymous calls demanding a ransom, which was strange since the parents weren't rich. The case is not closed and is treated as a criminal investigation. One of the members of the family was briefly interrogated but nothing could be found against him. I can't remember whether it was an uncle or a cousin.
Saxon is a very small village which now has about 4,500 inhabitants and probably about a third less 25 years ago. It's nested on the side of the mountain full of vineyards and fruit trees. There are mineral water spas around. Farming, wine-making, orchards are the main jobs of the people there. Psychics and astrologers (of whom Elizabeth Teissier) gave their help, but it was all in vain. Site to her memory (in French). The charts are both simple and complicated.
Sarah was a lovely Virgoan with Cancer rising and a Gemini Moon. A kind-hearted little girl, full of spirit and laughs, and very curious and inventive. Like all little girls, she would have believed in fairies and monsters, the more so as her Moon was involved in, and applying to, a dark T-square comprising Neptune and a treble conjunction of Sun, Mercury and Saturn angular on the IC.
In fact, her Mercury is one of the tightest cazimi I have ever seen in a birth chart. Lilly says that it would make it ever so strong, even more since Mercury is in Virgo, angular. Abu Mazar says it gives weakness first and then strength to overcome. This little girl understood things beyond her age. What did she see in her family that bears the portends of a disappearance?
Mars is in the Ist, in reclusive Cancer, so she would have had a huge memory for everything, and would have been able to conceal whatever she saw or knew. Jupiter in Leo, on the cusp of the third, is devoid of any strong aspect, save a trine to Sappho, which cannot be a good omen (Sappho=fear) for small (IIIrd) or long (Jupiter) trips.
Her IVth is also inhabited by Pluto in Libra, conjunct Fortuna. It's not anywhere near enough the Vth cusp to mitigate a bad influence. It has the generational sextile to Neptune, common to all children of the same generation and a trine to the Moon.
Uranus is in the Vth, close to the Accursed Degree in Scorpio. It's almost exactly sextile to Saturn which is, itself, on the cusp of the IC. Uranus is also, a little wider, sextile the Sun-Mercury conjunction.
So this little girl had an eye to discover things by chance. This she did with her Sun-Mercury, her Mars in Ist, her Uranus connection to Saturn/Sun/Mercury, to her Moon in Gemini opposite Neptune and square the bad lot on the IVth as well as quincunx Uranus and trine Pluto.
One ought to note the abundance of aspects to the asteroids and various other points of the chart, some of which are pretty exact.
One day or other, this little girl was going to meet an older person (Saturn) perhaps from her family (IVth) that would extinguish her Cazimi Mercury and Sun (IVth). The pack of planets in and around the IVth, in T-square to Moon and Neptune hint at possible difficult family atmosphere.
Here are two geocentric birth charts for Sarah. The first one with all the aspects, asteroids, points, etc. The second one, for an uncluttered view, without these extra points.
Geocentric Astrology Birth Chart for Sarah Oberson, child, who disappeared in Switzerland in 1985 | Geocentric Astrology Birth Chart, main planets only, for Sarah Oberson, child, disappeared Switzerland in 1985 |
The astrological charts in the heliocentric system are quite revealing of a strong personality and strong problems to come in her life. There is an almost completely exact, within minutes of arc, grand mutable cross between Earth, Mars, Mercury-conjoined-Saturn, and Neptune, with the lethal conjunction of Mercury and Saturn on top of the IC and Earth at the MC (if one is willing to consider the houses in heliocentric astrology).
Attached to this grand mutable cross, the planets aspect all the others. Mars is trine Pluto and quincunx Uranus, Mars is also slightly sextile Jupiter and Jupiter slightly trine Neptune and quincunx the Earth. Earth, in the MC, is also quincunx Pluto and Jupiter and trine Uranus. Such tight aspects predict outstanding events, for good or evil.
Note the aspects between the two virgins asteroids, Vesta and Pallas. In mythology, a Vesta priestess who had sex was buried alive. Pallas is the goddess of war and the enforcer of chastity. These two asteroids are in an extremely tight quincunx, Vesta from the last critical degree of Scorpio (was her virginity stolen?) to Pallas in the last critical degree of Gemini (did she scream about it?).
Heliocentric Astrology Birth Chart for Sarah Oberson, child, who disappeared in Switzerland in 1985 | Heliocentric Astrology Birth Chart, main planets only, for Sarah Oberson, child, who disappeared in Switzerland in 1985 |
The synthesis from both geocentric and heliocentric birth charts show that this little girl was going to have a number of great obstacles to get over in life. If we were only looking at her birth charts, one might think that she may have enough surviving spirit and perhaps be alive somewhere. If she is still alive and kept captive somewhere, then she must fight every second of the day to survive and hope to escape. If so, then, one day, we'll hear from her again. However, the stars do not speak in this way when one looks at the astrology charts of the time of her vanishing. The planets were evil for her at that point in time, although they are contradictory and difficult to assess.
On the day, time and place of her disappearance, I think it remains to be seen if the time is absolutely correct. I question the time because that day was a Saturday. There was no school that day and it could be that time was not observed properly with the various activities on such a day. Also, it's because I can see that the Moon, at 16h30m57s was exactly square Neptune with Saturn on the MC ruler of the ASC (compare the two charts below). Whereas in the 17h30 chart, Aquarius rises. To be fair, one could also suppose it happened a little later, as for example, at 17h54m43s, Uranus was exactly on top of the MC and Fortuna exactly square Saturn.
Geocentric Chart of the Disappearance of Child Sarah Oberson at 17h30m CED on 28 Sept 1985 | Geocentric Chart of the Disappearance of Child Sarah Oberson at 16h30m CED on 28 Sept 1985 | Geocentric Chart of the Disappearance of Child Sarah Oberson at 17h54m43s CED on 28 Sept 1985 |
At any rate, for the aspects between the planets themselves on that day, there weren't that many in the geocentric chart: Jupiter was quincunx Venus from Aquarius to Virgo, a promise to get sweets or cake from an avuncular figure, Mercury in Libra - which is ruled by Venus but also by the older guy Saturn - was also quincunx North Node Rahu - consent to whatever was proposed? None of these two aspects were the worse one could get, though.
The baddies were active but in a more sinister and subdued way. The chart does not hint at outright violence, but at sexual undertones in honey language. Transiting Ceres on the VIIth of the day's chart shows that some woman knows what happened - Ceres is the nurturing mother goddess, and in the DSC in opposition to radical Pallas, she's also a "declared ennemy". Someone, some woman, in that village, knows or strongly suspects, what has happened.
Mars in Virgo was in a wide separating conjunction with Venus - did someone want to "play doctor with her"? This same Mars was applying to the square of Uranus, from Virgo to Sagittarius - mutable signs - "come in the car and we'll play?" And Saturn in Scorpio was in semi-square to Mercury in Libra, hinting at nasty words pronounced from an older person with some physical defect (possibly located under the navel...).
The Moon in Aries was applying to Pluto in Scorpio by quincunx - did a man quickly expose himself to her? Initially, the chart for 17h30 only seems to show some disturbing sexual encounter, but not death. However, the charts for one hour earlier or 25 minutes later would be more dramatic by the placement of the Moon, Saturn or Uranus.
Heliocentric Chart of the Disappearance of Child Sarah Oberson at 17h30m CED on 28 Sept 1985 | Heliocentric Chart of the Disappearance of Child Sarah Oberson at 16h30m CED on 28 Sept 1985 | Heliocentric Chart of the Disappearance of Child Sarah Oberson at 17h54m43s CED on 28 Sept 1985 |
The heliocentric charts for the time of the disappearance are quite ominous, more so than the geocentric ones. Depending on the time one finds Jupiter on the Ascendant (if houses are to be used on heliocentric charts) and Uranus angular in the MC for 17h30m, or Saturn angular in the MC trine Venus on the DSC for one hour earlier - it being taken that no aspect of Saturn can ever be a good one since even a sextile or trine can indicate widowhood in native charts, or Uranus conjunct the MC and Mars conjunct the DSC for 25 minutes later.
The most outstanding aspect is Saturn exactly opposite Pallas and Pluto conjunct Juno. I have already said in previous posts, I keep finding Juno in disaster charts, I don't know why, but this asteroid seems to bring very bad luck. In addition to the above, Mars is applying to the square of Saturn.
Remember that there are no retrograde planets in heliocentric charts, so the effect is stronger, faster and more straightforward. Our ancestor astrologers predicted wars, famine and pestilence with the Mars square Saturn aspect. This one is from Mars in Leo to Saturn in Scorpio. What better definition than a man who has sexual potency issues, and who will resort to violence and control to get his shot?
The Venus-Sappho square shows absolute deep fear from Cancer to Libra. Something corrupted (Sappho) within a feminine body, from baby almost (Cancer), to Libra, becoming a woman in fear. Juno conjunct Pluto being also inconjunct Earth showing a struggle for life.
When the birth chart of Sarah is analysed with the transits for that day, it looks as if the potential of that day came into her life.
The geocentric synastry chart shows that, save for transiting Moon and Jupiter, all of the planets were in the lower northern hemisphere, IIIrd house to VIth house of the radical chart. Saturn in Scorpio in VIth was squaring radical Jupiter in the IIIrd radical, and radical Jupiter is also simultaneously placed in the VIIth of transit (for 17h30m). Again we are confirmed in thinking an older avuncular figure with some physical defect below the navel has something to do with Sarah's disappearance.
All signs point to someone close and known, not to a stranger as Uranus is not that prominent in the charts. Transit Uranus approaches the opposition of the radical Moon, but it's still 1°45' off it, so although is shows sudden happenings, the aspect is not that close for such a day. From the IIIrd to the VIth, a little trip (III) from home (IV) to fun (V) to sick (VI).
At some point early that evening, transiting ASC went through the radical VIII and whether the transiting ASC started in Capricorn or Aquarius is a moot point, because it would have been ruled by malefic planets Saturn or Uranus in both instances. By the same token, transiting IC would have arrived in her radical XIIth and conjoined the ASC, which in itself is not good since both rulers are Mercury for the transit IC and radical XII.
Transiting Venus is conjunct her radical North Node Rahu. Here again, there's one that I don't like, and it's Rahu, even with Venus. Found this one a little too often for my taste in some strange position for disasters. Besides, both of them in Virgo, applying to one another, in a fragile part of her radical chart, and with badness emphasized in the VIIth of disappearance makes me doubt this conjunction could bring much good. Transit Sun and Mercury in Libra, approaching a full Moon in Aries bodes no good either.
Of course, one may wish to examine the mutual reception between Venus and Mercury, so things started well... the thing is, transferring Mercury to the degree of Venus, and vice versa, that places Mercury to the conjunction of Mars. Airy and Earthy Mercury shut up by Mars. And Venus would end up to the trine of transiting Jupiter in Aquarius in the radical VIIIth and transiting XIIth. So whatever happened was quick and merciful.
Geocentric Astrology Synastry Chart for the Disappearance of Child Sarah Oberson on 28 Sept 1985 in Switzerland | Geocentric Astrology Synastry Chart, main planets only, for the Disappearance of Child Sarah Oberson on 28 Sept 1985 in Switzerland |
The heliocentric synastry is equally bad. To note the exact aspect between transiting Venus at the end of Cancer opposite Sappho at the end of Capricorn from her radical Ist to her VIIth and transit VIth to XIIth. That same transiting Venus is applying to the square her Vesta and has just completed a quincunx to radical Pallas. Transit Mars is almost exactly inconjunct Sappho. There are also a few wider conjunctions.
Heliocentric Astrology Synastry Chart for the Disappearance of Child Sarah Oberson on 28 Sept 1985 in Switzerland | Heliocentric Astrology Synastry Chart, main planets only, for the Disappearance of Child Sarah Oberson on 28 Sept 1985 in Switzerland |
I will admit that the charts are difficult to interpret because this little girl was, to start with, a pretty strong survivor type. Although the chart of the day was quite rotten, even when making the synastry, there's something missing. Do we know all the facts of the case? I don't think so. I believe the times are wrong for the day of the disappearance, but I have no reason to doubt the time of birth (the Swiss are accurate!).
I recall having some sort of vision at the time I studied this story. I wrote it in my notes. I still have, in front of my eyes, the image of a little girl, tied up in ropes and drowned in reeds in a murky part of the river. 25 years later, and although the charts may say there's a chance she's alive, I'm as much convinced now and at that time that she isn't. Some 7 or 8 years ago, I visited this village and had lunch there. It is still permeated with the memory of Sarah. Asking a few questions around, it really seems to me that people know and will not say. There's a large river and a canal not far, which end up in the Eastern side of Lake Geneva. I think they didn't look far enough in the waters.
If one of my readers can get more information from the above chart, please let me know. If there's anything useful, I'll transmit it to the parents. Here is what I wrote on 20 February 1986 as I was studying the charts:
This child did not go far, at most a few kilometers. She has been beaten, raped and drowned in a river, or strangled. Her attacker is a man already known by the police authorities, a sadistic mental misfit, possibly a drug addict or alcoholic. It is not a stranger. He is part of the close environment of the family or its neighbors. The mother knows him, although the father does not necessarily know him well. The little girl has been abducted with her consent. The attacker is tall, strong, brown hair, possibly blue eyes, with pale complexion, dressed in dark sports wear.
Peace to you little Sarah, you are in my heart and in the heart of my readers. Bless you!
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