FOR ASTROLOGERS - ...! Brilliant astrology articles by Anatoly Buralkov, full of technical details. Google these words: "astrokras" and "narod" (can't post the link here for some reason. Use Google Translate to read the articles... Well researched histories and astrological context. These articles are brilliant, I tell you! This is NOT advertising, I don't get anything from this link.
This website is best viewed with Opera, Chrome or Firefox. Astrological charts don't render well in Internet Explorer.

Latitude Longitude From Google Maps

In astrology work, we need accurate latitudes and longitudes, preferably expressed in sexagesimal degrees rather than decimal degrees and, sometimes, good to a few seconds.

free sample Romantic Compatibility Reading!


In those instances where the Astrodienst Atlas Query on is insufficient, there's a way to use Google maps to find this precise information. Below are 10 step-by-step instructions with pictures on how to do that. If you are careful and follow these precisely, I guarantee you can find the location of any little house or piece of rock in the world. The accuracy of Google is probably not to one second of arc, owing to the projection limitations of such photographs, but it's close enough to the real coordinates to have you build your astrology chart with the most precise Ascendant and Midheaven.

Let's say you want to pinpoint the exact location of your computer desk, in your office building, so that you can do even more precise horary astrology.

Let's say you work at the Oval Office in the White House in Washington DC

1. Open Google Maps
2. Search for Oval Office
3. Zoom in to get a close view of the House and locate your office and computer desk
4. At the top right-hand corner of the screen, click on "Link"
5. Copy and paste the link in a text editor
6. Take out all the gibberish except the last figures in the link. They correspond to the approximate latitude and longitude of your office
7. Copy these figures in your clipboard
8. Paste these figures in the Google Maps search box (as if you were looking again for this place). You'll obtain the sexagesimal degrees of latitude and longitude of a place very near the Oval Office.
9. Zoom in to obtain a good view of the roof of your office building
10. Tweak the figures in the Google search box until you get the exact location of your computer on your desk in the Oval Office in the White House in Washington

Free Sample Sexual Soul Mates Reading for two


If you wish to post a comment or write to me, this is my email.

North Korea Rocket Consequences

- The UN Security Council unanimously condemned the launch on 13 April 2009, at its 6106th Meeting, which was called at 3:07 p.m. and adjourned at 3:12 p.m in New York (NY - United States). The UN Security Council agrees to adjust travel ban, freeze assets and continue the arms embargo imposed in 2006.

- The UN Sanctions Committee is to work and report on the matter by 24 April.  Should the Committee fail to do so, “the Council will complete action to adjust the measures by 30 April 2009”.

- The statement, agreed on by all 15 members, is considered a weaker response than a UN resolution, which had been sought by Japan and the United States but was opposed by China and Russia. The US insists the statement is legally binding, just like a resolution, a view backed by Russia, but other diplomats and officials disagreed.

- As usual, the UN is very careful with its wording and although it mentions
"...Resolution 1718", which was passed shortly after its nuclear-weapon test in October 2006 and by which "...the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea was forbidden to launch ballistic missiles or carry out further nuclear tests..." Resolution which was written then in 2006,
nowhere, in the present statement concerning the recent event, does the UN mention the nature of the rocket's payload. Nor does it state whether its a ballisitic missile or a communications satellite; it just mentions the "launch"... (Reference here)

- Not that this new UNSC statement is going to change much for North Korea (Reference here) as experts agree that the world economic recession will probably provoke more damage than UN sanctions.

- It is learnt this evening that the DPRK is looking after its army heads by awarding promotions (Reference here)

- Today Tuesday 14 April 2009, North Korea announced that it was quitting the six-party talks and embarking on a resumption of its nuclear activities. It has also ordered the UN nuclear inspectors to leave the country (Reference here).

- It is also learnt that analysis of the rocket videos show that the Korea rocket flew much further than it was thought. (Reference here). Not only that, but contrary to the first guesstimates, the second stage of the rocket flew normally. And finally, it looks like the rocket was equipped with attitude control thrusters, which demonstrates advanced skills in rocketry.


I'll be expecting some more extraordinary news on this rocket, and I'll wait until I get better geographical coordinates of the splashes to make the charts, as I'm sure some Western boats will find some debris at some point and triumphantly let the world know...

Meanwhile, below are the geo and helio charts for the UNSC Resolution of yesterday, both for the beginning and end of the session (at 5 minutes interval). If I were any government in the world, I'd keep a close eye on those very tight applying aspects... 

Keep reading my blog, I've some more very interesting charts in the pipeline (and, alas, not enough time to write on all the interesting events we witness on this earth)!

If you wish to post a comment or write to me, this is my email.

Astrology North Korea Satellite - Pacific Splash

DEVELOPING STORY... as I am writing the astrology of the Korea satellite launch... it appears that the Korean satellite may have fallen out of orbit and down in the Pacific ocean.

(There's also another UPDATE 14 April 2009 at 22h40 CED here.)

Associated Press source for Pacific Splash

United States Military source on the Korea launch

Japan cannot hear the Korean songs allegedly coming from the satellite, but the Korean now say it may take a day for the satellite to start broadcasting. Now, I'm not an expert in reading Korean translations, so you decide for yourself... [Note: link no longer available]

This is what the US say:

Stage one of the missile fell into the Sea of Japan. The remaining stages along with the payload itself landed in the Pacific Ocean.

No object entered orbit and no debris fell on Japan.
It's true that I did wonder how long it would stay in the air because of many bad aspects, but I didn't too much dare write it in case I was wrong. So one should never underestimate a Mars-Saturn opposition in a chart.


How come that I knew of the satellite launch within a half-hour, launch which was confirmed by all nations having the capability to do so, and yet it takes the US five (5) hours or so to say the rocket splashed into the ocean? Surely, being as modern as it is, the US could have confirmed the fallen angel much earlier? So why didn't they do it?

Now, who is telling the truth?

More as I read the news... Come back soon


It's half a day since the launch and I can't find out whether this satellite/missile or whatever it was is up in the sky or down in the ocean. I found a BBC article, dated today Apr 5, 2009, at 14h09 GMT, which say that the Russians confirm that it's up there and has been given an identity number. In the same article, I quote, ''US analyst Colonel Bill Taylor: "Gross failure of US intelligence". I wish they'd make up their minds.

All Western States possess the capacity to see a small lump of sugar in a sand desert with the satellite motorways over our heads... Surely, one or more nations can investigate and give an objective answer? Otherwise, there are quantities of astronomers worldwide who can look upin the night skies, since the DPRK has given the coordinates of the satellite, and tell us what is what. Perhaps one of my readers has a big enough satellite dish to point up and listen whether there is any Korean military singing from our space neighbourhood?

Whatever is the situation, I'm off for now. Come back soon, I'm sure we'll know in a few days.


It does look like it must have splashed... Mars in Pisces is swimming...

I've been looking throughout today for media saying it hadn't, even using the Google Translate feature in Korean, Chinese, Russian and Japanese, but I cannot find any article saying the music was heard... And there's an eerie silence from NK state media, at least until this afternoon (Europe time).

So, I'll be doing an analysis of the charts again tonight. I've obviously under-estimated some malefic aspects and, probably, my knowledge of some types of politics may have been too limited for an accurate assessment. I'll try to find out some more about the splashes (well, there must have been at least two in different locations, Sea of West of Japan, and the Pacific). I'll write it up and let you all know.


UPDATE - Apr. 6, 2009, 23h40 CED.

I can't find any confirmation that the  Korean satellite is up in the air and singing. However, some state media are still cautious about whether it's flying or swimming. The general consensus seems to be that it's probably raking sand at the bottom of the ocean. There are some excellent remarks in the press which lean towards qualifying this launch as semi-successful, inasmuch it demonstrated North Korea's ability to direct a rocket-missile-satellite-whatever some 3,000 km away. That if the aim was to disguise a missile as a satellite, then the mission was successful.

At any rate, I was in much puzzle over the whole thing and started to look at North Korea's astrology chart, as well as that of its leader, Kim Sung Il. Very startling indeed. Haven't had time yet to look up the astrology of the splashes and it's getting late, so the next instalment will be tomorrow.

Meanwhile, have a look at the comparison charts below. I think there's no doubt now that this launch has extreme importance for this country and its leader. Of course, I know some of the atmosphere between this country and the rest of the world would undoubtedly produce strong astrology charts, but these seem to underline a rather great event. Perhaps not all that is needed to know to make a good judgment can be found in the press.


UPDATE - Apr. 14, 2009, 22h30 CED.

So it must have splashed then. Not a day passes without its surprises, see my next post on the CONSEQUENCES of the Korean Rocket Launch, here. And what I write there should come as no surprise to those readers of the present article and the previous one.


If you wish to post a comment or write to me, this is my email.

Horoscope Astrology of the North Korea Rocket Launch 2009

UPDATED 6 April 2009 17h40 CED - THE ROCKET SPLASHED, see next post for more details... Below is the original article, before the news the rocket was swimming reached me.

There's also another UPDATE 14 April 2009 at 22h40 CED here.

Astrological Data for the Unha-2 / Taepodong-2 Long Range Missile:

The launch took place on Sunday, 5 April 2009, 11h30m15s local time in North Korea, close to Myongchon city, 40°51'20"N and 129°39'57"E. According to Chinese news media quoted by BNO, the fuel boosters were dropped at 11:37 and 11:43 Japan time; it is not yet known where these came down.

The facts:

According to news media, North Korea launched its rocket, Taepodong-2, from the Unha-2 launch pad, as it had previously announced it would. It is not yet known, at the time of writing, whether this was a missile or a satellite launch. It understood that Koreans actively use astrology to elect for particular events (if I can find the source for this again, I will post it in a future update).

Horoscope analysis

Geocentric aspects

The geocentric astrology of the launch shows the sign of Cancer rising at 19°36'33", an aspect which is applying to the exact quincunx of Jupiter a bare one minute later (at 11h31m28s) showing the initial success of the launch. The MidHeaven is within the first degree of Aries at 0°49'49", just passed the exact quincunx to Ceres less than a minute of time previously, also showing success, particularly in business matters (Ceres). One would surmise with such an aspect that it is a satellite rather than a missile mission.

The aspects show a long-lasting impression on the minds of people with the Chiron-Neptune conjunction, Mercury-Jupiter sextile, the Venus-Ceres trine. On the other hand, there is a plethora of bad aspects, which I would be inclined to ascribe to the negative feedback from other nations on this launch. Evidently, North Korea does not seem to care much for the international consequences (this is because of the malefic aspects). It also shows the background of this country which is prepared to risk a war and more UN sanctions, to spend money on space matters when the people seem to be suffering much day-to-day hardship.

Although the chart is overwhelmingly in favour of a peaceful mission, the minor aspects show that the aim is also to garner more experience in the military field, on a technical level, but probably also on a political level by gauging international reactions to this launch. Again, hardly surprising considering the chart and present political climate. In particular, the Mars-Saturn opposition which will be exact within a day of the launch, speak of a harsh stance by other countries. As the UN Security Council has been called to an emergency meeting tonight Sunday 5 April 2009 at 19h00 GMT, it is likely that a strong condemnation of this launch will be issued. In other times, perhaps during the various other war times of the past, I could have taken this to mean an act of war against North Korea by some of the powers most concerned about this launch. I have a feeling though, that such nations will just about refrain themselves from doing so, and remain at an economic retaliation pattern, principally as both charts show some rather good aspects in addition to the bad ones. Provided North Korea abstain from any other provocation in the next two or three days, it should avoid military consequences from this launch.

The geocentric list of longitude aspects, sorted by orb, is below. Note that many of these aspects are almost exact, which would favour the notion of this particular date having been chosen not just by scientific considerations.

Aspects List : Natal - Natal

5 April 2009 11:30:15 (GMT+9)
Myongchon, North Korea (40°51'20"N 129°39'57"E)

Orb Aspect From To
>1° 0' 3"< Conjunction Neptune Chiron
>28°11'38"< Semi-sextile Uranus Neptune
<28> Semi-sextile Moon Saturn
>29° 2'32"< Semi-sextile Sun Mars
>29°11'41"< Semi-sextile Uranus Chiron
>32°19'46"< Semi-sextile Venus Juno
<44> Semi-square Lilith Chiron
<45> Semi-square Sun Juno
>45°32'13"< Semi-square Neptune Lilith
<46> Semi-square Jupiter Pluto
<46> Semi-square Uranus Node
<60> Sextile Mercury Jupiter
<89> Square Venus Pluto
>117°19' 9"< Trine Moon Mercury
>135° 9'52"< Sesqui-quadrate Sun Ceres
>135°12'55"< Sesqui-quadrate Moon Pluto
<135> Sesqui-quadrate Moon Venus
>148°10'31"< Quincunx Venus Ceres
>150°54' 6"< Quincunx Sun Saturn
<151> Quincunx Moon Mars
>178°13'39"< Opposition Moon Jupiter
>179°29'43"< Opposition Ceres Juno
<179> Opposition Mars Saturn

The geocentric declination aspects show a rather good Mercury Saturn parallel, which may well mean Korea garners good technical information from this launch, but probably not enough good data for military purposes. There are also a few good Mars parallels and contra-parallels in the geocentric declinations. I would hope these mean a successful avoidance of war, rather than "success at war".

Heliocentric aspects:

The heliocentric chart also shows rather tight aspects although slightly less so than the geocentric chart. One may want to note the slightly worrying quincunx between Saturn and the conjunctions of Mars, Neptune, Chiron and Jupiter. In this configuration, Jupiter is also linked to a square with Mercury, which may herald some nasty news from foreign powers concerning this rocket. Hardly surprising as many states had requested N Korea to desist from launching this rocket and rather widely promised to have Korea suffer the dire consequences of such a launch. The Chiron-Neptune conjunction itself speaks of a lasting success which is likely to impress deeply and for a long time on the imagination of the population. However, one may wonder if the Chiron-Saturn quincunx will permit North Korea to reap all the benefits from this mission; this in spite of the good trines of Venus to Chiron and Earth-Sun complex to Juno. I would take it also in this chart that the Venus-Chiron aspect is another indication of a peaceful satellite rather than a war engine.

The Saturn-Ceres conjunction may well indicate UN sanctions and possibly a withdrawal of humanitarian aid for North Korea. This aspect comes exact on 16 April 2009, which may just be the time necessary for the UN to decide on further sanctions against this country.

The heliocentric latitudinal aspects are few, The outstanding one being a parallel from Jupiter to Uranus coming exact on 11 June 2009. That is notoriety on a grand scale.

The heliocentric longitude aspects list, sorted by orb, is below:

Aspects List : Natal - Natal

5 April 2009 11:30:15 (GMT+9)
Myongchon, North Korea (40°51'20"N 129°39'57"E)

Orb Aspect From To
>0° 7'12"< Conjunction Earth Moon
<1> Conjunction Mars Neptune
>2°22'39"< Conjunction Saturn Ceres
>2°22'46"< Conjunction Neptune Chiron
>28°23'23"< Semi-sextile Moon Ceres
>28°30'35"< Semi-sextile Earth Ceres
>28°36'17"< Semi-sextile Uranus Neptune
>30°59' 3"< Semi-sextile Uranus Chiron
<31> Semi-sextile Venus Saturn
>42°58' 4"< Semi-square Pluto Juno
>44°46'22"< Semi-square Mercury Uranus
>87° 7' 5"< Square Mercury Jupiter
<119> Trine Earth Juno
<119> Trine Moon Juno
>121°13'26"< Trine Venus Chiron
>152°12'29"< Quincunx Venus Uranus
>152°33'29"< Quincunx Saturn Chiron

Media Links for this story:

Coming soon...

Accuracy of the information.

As can be expected with an event of this magnitude, final exact data needs to be extracted from the various communiqués. This one shows, probably reliably, that the data which I used for my first charts was off by minutes compared to the official data.

It's from Reuters but the link is no longer available as at 2015 and says: "Unha-2, which was launched at the Tonghae Satellite Launching Ground in Hwadae County, North Hamgyong Province at 11:20 (0220 GMT) on April 5, accurately put Kwangmyongsong-2 into its orbit at 11:29:02, nine minutes and two seconds after its launch."

There's an interesting article on the why of this time difference on a Korean newspaper site, but the links cannot be reached now in 2015.

I have finally settled with the time of 11:29:02 which is when it supposedly reached orbit. I have had difficulty in finding a very accurate new latitude and longitude for this launch pad, as I do not know whether the Tonghae launch pad is the same as the coordinates which were previously published. However, both sets of coordinates are close enough that it will not change the meaning of the charts. [Edited to add: If it wasn't the time it reached orbit, it's probably the time some of it splashed or crashed...]

Source stories, with comments, for N Korea's satellite launch of 5 April 2009

1. Who would have thought that the first boast about Korea's satellite capability would be to broadcast revolutionary music? That's an expensive but accurate Venus in the Xth in Aries, ruled by Piscean artistic (military) Mars in the IXth of far-away places! [edited to add: we now know it's a swimming Mars...]

Name of the Satellite: Kwangmyongsong-2

The Music: "It is sending to the earth the melodies of the immortal revolutionary paeans 'Song of General Kim Il-sung' and 'Song of General Kim Jong-il' and measured information at 470 MHz.


UPDATE - Apr. 14, 2009, 22h30 CED.

So it must have splashed then. Not a day passes without its surprises, see my next post on the CONSEQUENCES of the Korean Rocket Launch, here. And what I write there should come as no surprise to those readers of the present article and the previous one.


Astrological Charts for the Korean Rocket Launch of April 2009

If you wish to post a comment or write to me, this is my email.


UPDATED 6 April 2009 17h40 CED - THE ROCKET SPLASHED, see next post for more details... Below is the original article, before the news the rocket was swimming reached me.

There's also another UPDATE 14 April 2009 at 22h40 CED here.

Astrological Data for the Unha-2 / Taepodong-2 Long Range Missile:

The launch took place on Sunday, 5 April 2009, 11h30m15s local time in North Korea, close to Myongchon city, 40°51'20"N and 129°39'57"E. According to Chinese news media quoted by BNO, the fuel boosters were dropped at 11:37 and 11:43 Japan time; it is not yet known where these came down.

The facts:

According to news media, North Korea launched its rocket, Taepodong-2, from the Unha-2 launch pad, as it had previously announced it would. It is not yet known, at the time of writing, whether this was a missile or a satellite launch. It understood that Koreans actively use astrology to elect for particular events (if I can find the source for this again, I will post it in a future update).

Horoscope analysis

Geocentric aspects

The geocentric astrology of the launch shows the sign of Cancer rising at 19°36'33", an aspect which is applying to the exact quincunx of Jupiter a bare one minute later (at 11h31m28s) showing the initial success of the launch. The MidHeaven is within the first degree of Aries at 0°49'49", just passed the exact quincunx to Ceres less than a minute of time previously, also showing success, particularly in business matters (Ceres). One would surmise with such an aspect that it is a satellite rather than a missile mission.

The aspects show a long-lasting impression on the minds of people with the Chiron-Neptune conjunction, Mercury-Jupiter sextile, the Venus-Ceres trine. On the other hand, there is a plethora of bad aspects, which I would be inclined to ascribe to the negative feedback from other nations on this launch. Evidently, North Korea does not seem to care much for the international consequences (this is because of the malefic aspects). It also shows the background of this country which is prepared to risk a war and more UN sanctions, to spend money on space matters when the people seem to be suffering much day-to-day hardship.

Although the chart is overwhelmingly in favour of a peaceful mission, the minor aspects show that the aim is also to garner more experience in the military field, on a technical level, but probably also on a political level by gauging international reactions to this launch. Again, hardly surprising considering the chart and present political climate. In particular, the Mars-Saturn opposition which will be exact within a day of the launch, speak of a harsh stance by other countries. As the UN Security Council has been called to an emergency meeting tonight Sunday 5 April 2009 at 19h00 GMT, it is likely that a strong condemnation of this launch will be issued. In other times, perhaps during the various other war times of the past, I could have taken this to mean an act of war against North Korea by some of the powers most concerned about this launch. I have a feeling though, that such nations will just about refrain themselves from doing so, and remain at an economic retaliation pattern, principally as both charts show some rather good aspects in addition to the bad ones. Provided North Korea abstain from any other provocation in the next two or three days, it should avoid military consequences from this launch.

The geocentric list of longitude aspects, sorted by orb, is below. Note that many of these aspects are almost exact, which would favour the notion of this particular date having been chosen not just by scientific considerations.

Aspects List : Natal - Natal

5 April 2009 11:30:15 (GMT+9)
Myongchon, North Korea (40°51'20"N 129°39'57"E)

Orb Aspect From To
>1° 0' 3"< Conjunction Neptune Chiron
>28°11'38"< Semi-sextile Uranus Neptune
<28> Semi-sextile Moon Saturn
>29° 2'32"< Semi-sextile Sun Mars
>29°11'41"< Semi-sextile Uranus Chiron
>32°19'46"< Semi-sextile Venus Juno
<44> Semi-square Lilith Chiron
<45> Semi-square Sun Juno
>45°32'13"< Semi-square Neptune Lilith
<46> Semi-square Jupiter Pluto
<46> Semi-square Uranus Node
<60> Sextile Mercury Jupiter
<89> Square Venus Pluto
>117°19' 9"< Trine Moon Mercury
>135° 9'52"< Sesqui-quadrate Sun Ceres
>135°12'55"< Sesqui-quadrate Moon Pluto
<135> Sesqui-quadrate Moon Venus
>148°10'31"< Quincunx Venus Ceres
>150°54' 6"< Quincunx Sun Saturn
<151> Quincunx Moon Mars
>178°13'39"< Opposition Moon Jupiter
>179°29'43"< Opposition Ceres Juno
<179> Opposition Mars Saturn

The geocentric declination aspects show a rather good Mercury Saturn parallel, which may well mean Korea garners good technical information from this launch, but probably not enough good data for military purposes. There are also a few good Mars parallels and contra-parallels in the geocentric declinations. I would hope these mean a successful avoidance of war, rather than "success at war".

Heliocentric aspects:

The heliocentric chart also shows rather tight aspects although slightly less so than the geocentric chart. One may want to note the slightly worrying quincunx between Saturn and the conjunctions of Mars, Neptune, Chiron and Jupiter. In this configuration, Jupiter is also linked to a square with Mercury, which may herald some nasty news from foreign powers concerning this rocket. Hardly surprising as many states had requested N Korea to desist from launching this rocket and rather widely promised to have Korea suffer the dire consequences of such a launch. The Chiron-Neptune conjunction itself speaks of a lasting success which is likely to impress deeply and for a long time on the imagination of the population. However, one may wonder if the Chiron-Saturn quincunx will permit North Korea to reap all the benefits from this mission; this in spite of the good trines of Venus to Chiron and Earth-Sun complex to Juno. I would take it also in this chart that the Venus-Chiron aspect is another indication of a peaceful satellite rather than a war engine.

The Saturn-Ceres conjunction may well indicate UN sanctions and possibly a withdrawal of humanitarian aid for North Korea. This aspect comes exact on 16 April 2009, which may just be the time necessary for the UN to decide on further sanctions against this country.

The heliocentric latitudinal aspects are few, The outstanding one being a parallel from Jupiter to Uranus coming exact on 11 June 2009. That is notoriety on a grand scale.

The heliocentric longitude aspects list, sorted by orb, is below:

Aspects List : Natal - Natal

5 April 2009 11:30:15 (GMT+9)
Myongchon, North Korea (40°51'20"N 129°39'57"E)

Orb Aspect From To
>0° 7'12"< Conjunction Earth Moon
<1> Conjunction Mars Neptune
>2°22'39"< Conjunction Saturn Ceres
>2°22'46"< Conjunction Neptune Chiron
>28°23'23"< Semi-sextile Moon Ceres
>28°30'35"< Semi-sextile Earth Ceres
>28°36'17"< Semi-sextile Uranus Neptune
>30°59' 3"< Semi-sextile Uranus Chiron
<31> Semi-sextile Venus Saturn
>42°58' 4"< Semi-square Pluto Juno
>44°46'22"< Semi-square Mercury Uranus
>87° 7' 5"< Square Mercury Jupiter
<119> Trine Earth Juno
<119> Trine Moon Juno
>121°13'26"< Trine Venus Chiron
>152°12'29"< Quincunx Venus Uranus
>152°33'29"< Quincunx Saturn Chiron

Media Links for this story:

Coming soon...

Accuracy of the information.

As can be expected with an event of this magnitude, final exact data needs to be extracted from the various communiqués. This one shows, probably reliably, that the data which I used for my first charts was off by minutes compared to the official data. It's from Reuters and says: "Unha-2, which was launched at the Tonghae Satellite Launching Ground in Hwadae County, North Hamgyong Province at 11:20 (0220 GMT) on April 5, accurately put Kwangmyongsong-2 into its orbit at 11:29:02, nine minutes and two seconds after its launch."

There's an interesting article on the why of this time difference on a Korean newspaper site, but the links are non-functional now as at 2015.

I have finally settled with the time of 11:29:02 which is when it supposedly reached orbit. I have had difficulty in finding a very accurate new latitude and longitude for this launch pad, as I do not know whether the Tonghae launch pad is the same as the coordinates which were previously published. However, both sets of coordinates are close enough that it will not change the meaning of the charts. [Edited to add: If it wasn't the time it reached orbit, it's probably the time some of it splashed or crashed...]

Source stories, with comments, for N Korea's satellite launch of 5 April 2009

1. Who would have thought that the first boast about Korea's satellite capability would be to broadcast revolutionary music? That's an expensive but accurate Venus in the Xth in Aries, ruled by Piscean artistic (military) Mars in the IXth of far-away places! [edited to add: we now know it's a swimming Mars...]

From Reuters

Name of the Satellite: Kwangmyongsong-2

The Music: "It is sending to the earth the melodies of the immortal revolutionary paeans 'Song of General Kim Il-sung' and 'Song of General Kim Jong-il' and measured information at 470 MHz.


UPDATE - Apr. 14, 2009, 22h30 CED.

So it must have splashed then. Not a day passes without its surprises, see my next post on the CONSEQUENCES of the Korean Rocket Launch, here. And what I write there should come as no surprise to those readers of the present article and the previous one.


Astrological Charts for the Korean Rocket Launch of April 2009

If you wish to post a comment or write to me, this is my email.